On This Day
March 17
St. Patrick's Day
1756 The first St. Patrick’s Day takes place.
1834 Toronto first municipal election was held William Lyon MacKenzie was Toronto first Mayor. Voting took place at Court House on King & Church
1955 A riot breaks in Montreal out after Maurice Richard is Suspended
1956 The film Rock Around the Clock premiers it stars Little Richard
1957 The first Sunday edition of the Toronto Telegram was published. Disobeying The Lord's Day Act.
1972 Pink Flamingos a film by John Waters opens in movie theatres
1995 Losing Isaiah open in movie theatres Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal starring Jessica Lange, Halle Berry, Cuba Gooding Jr. & Samuel L. Jackson
2002 WrestleMania X8 held at the SkyDome in Toronto On the Card RVD wins the Intercontinental Title over William Regal Hulk Hogan Pins the Rock Triple H Pins Chris Jericho To wins W WF Undisputed Championship.
Happy Birthday
1919 Nat King Cole singer
1927 Rudy Ray Moore comedian
1944 Cito Gaston Baseball player & Manger 2 x World series championships with the Toronto Blue Jays
1952 Kurt Russel actor Death Proof, Escape from LA, Escape from New York, Backdraft
1964 Rob Lowe actor The Outsiders, Youngblood,
1967 Billy Corgan musician in the Band The Smashing Pumpkins
1969 Alexander McQueen Fashion Designer
1970 Aaron Freeman aka Gene Ween musician in the worlds greatest band WEEN.
1972 Sean Price Rapper
1972 Melissa Auf der Maur musician in the band Hole and The Smashing Pumpkins
1979 Coco Austin model

1979 Samoa Joe wrestler 2 x NXT Championship, 1 x ROH World Championship
1986 Olesya Rulin actress starred in High School Musical, A Very Mary Christmas, & Family Guy.
1988 Grimes Musician
1992 John Boyega actor starred in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, & Detroit.

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