Purple Paint Swirl
Purple Paint Swirl - Playing with Blender Planes Series - was made to be used as a Green Screen background video for the Innocent Gunnz l
Wave Catch
Wave Catch - Playing with Blender Planes Series

100 Day Project 70 -100
he 100 Day Project Day 70 to 100 Mod Podge / Collage edition. Iit has really pushed me to be a better artist.

Day 60 - 70
The 100 Day Project Day 60 to 70 Mod Podge / Collage edition. I wanted to work on a larger scale, so I found a plastic piece of Canvas.

100 Day Project Day 51 - 60
DAY 51 - 60 of the 100 Day Project Mod Podge / Collage edition this was by far the hardest 10 days to get through with this project watching

100 Day Project 41 - 50
DAY 41 - 50 of the 100 Day Project Mod Podge / Collage edition Last Card Sports Card Edition, a light switch cover, a a tripping up to the

The Walls
This Blender 2.8 project I wanted experiment with images as planes!

100 Day Project Day 21 - 30
Day 21 - 30 of the 100 Day Project Mod Podge / Collage edition. A Buckets, a back of broken guitar with some of my favorite Rock stars, sc

100 DAY PROJECT DAY 11 - 20
Day 11 - 20 This year my 100 Day Project theme is Collage using Mod Podge, as for my canvas: a Wine Bottle, Playing Cards, a Bucket and...

100 Day Project
100 Day Project is an online art challenge that takes place over 100 days, April 7 to July 15, I'm creating collages using Mod Podge,

Ghost Dog
Animation by Ryan Zammit & Kelly Clarkson
Music by Clara Rockmore The Vocalise
Bark by Freb An RJZTV Production