On This Day in April
April showers bring May flowers
April comes from the latin name Aprilis Which means “to open”. Monthly observances Jazz Appreciation Month, National Grilled Cheese Month & National Poetry Month. Celebrations in April Easter, & 420 Cannabis Day Historical moment April 11 1963 Buddy Rogers becomes the first WWWF World Heavyweight Championship, April 12 1980 The first day of Marathon of Hope leaves St. John’s Newfoundland ran by Terry Fox & April 9 1942 The miracle at Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady / Rotunda of Mosta/ Mosta Dome was filled with parishioners when a German aerial raid drop a bomb on the Basilica. Birthdays Herbie Hancock, Eddie Murphy & Francis Ford Coppola
Flower : Daisy, Sweet Pea
Birth Stone : Dimond