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The 100 Day Project Day 70 to 100

The 100 Day Project Day 70 to 100 Mod Podge / Collage edition. This has been the best thing I decided to do during this pandemic of Covid 19, it has really pushed me to be a better artist, I wanted to challenge myself by doing something physical art where I was not going to sit in front of my computer all day, so this is something that was going to make me get off my ass and move around,plus never really had the time to work on colleges, because it takes a lot of effort especially because it can get messy with the newspaper, magazines and comics all over the place. It gave me something to look forward to each day. Also was able to used the videos and the pictures I took to tune up my skills on Blender Video where I edited all the pictures and videos on. I made my first song using LMMS haven't experimented with music in years and was really the first art form I connected with. It also helped me on RJZTV with a new blog series. Which I will be continuing...

Day 70 to 80 Summer getting busier so I worked on Last Card a few cards no theme, 80 Peacefulness An ad from a catalog of a woman writing a story or her bucket list, while rowing down a river on a canoe with a lion, young lovers, a pregnant woman & boats going past her. 84 Use a plastic board canvas with just random photos still would like to add to this piece, 86 False Advertising, while up at the cottage found an old wall board, added corporate logos, pics of american, Jesus, a Ouija board & some drugs. 90 - 98 Last Card Cottage vs City worked on this set both up at the cottage and back at my apartment in the city. 99 -100 Faces of the world, My last piece is on a larger black canvas, started out by spray painting the background in Red, Gold & Blue. The added bits of maps for the second layer added the faces.


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