Naughty or Nice Christmas List
Christmas Mysteries Television Episodes
We all enjoy a good mystery especially at a time like Christmas, where everyone seems to believe there is magic in the air bought to you buy Old Saint Nick, and to the birth of the newborn King.
Cover Up
Christmas Day: February 25 1949

Santa : Alfred E. Green
William Bendix - Sheriff Larry Best
Dennis O’keefe - Sam Donovan
Barbara Britton - Antia Weatherby
Art Baker - Stu Weatherby
Ann E. Todd - Cathie Weatherby

Christmas Card Message: Sheriff Larry Best - Put away that gun, you don't want to be killing anybody not at Christmas time anyhow.
Luger Pistol
Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Santa Claus and the Tenth Avenue Kid

Season 1 Episode 11
Directed by Don Weis
Alfred Hitchcock
Virginia Gregg - Miss Clementine Webster
Barry Fitzgerald - Harold ‘Stretch’ Sears
Bobby Clark -10th ave kid
First aired on CBS December 18 1955 Stretch is out on parole, he is an older man who needs a job in order not to go back to jail and Miss Clementine has a job for him to work as a department store Santa. Stretch wants no part of it but puts on the big red suit anyway. Stretch wines up relating to the 10th Ave. kid, who wants the airplane from the Christmas display, but knows he can't have it because Santa isn't real plus his parents have no money. Stretch steals the airplane for the kid to give him some hope. Stretch wines up getting caught for stealing the airplane, but Miss Clementine comes to the rescue by saying she has Stretch’s paycheque and he has the money for the plane and Stretch stays out of jail for at least Christmas day
The Gift
A stolen Toy Airplane
Harold ‘Stretch’ Sears
Do you live on a farm
Little girl
I live in apartment 3b on Park Avenue
Harold ‘Stretch’ Sears
Too much live stock for one apartment